Monday, December 14, 2009
Say "NO!" to Illegal Aliens Benefitting From the "New Americans Agenda"
Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick publicly released his "New Americans Agenda" on November 17, 2009. The 45 page report contains 131 recommendations, all of which would benefit both the legal immigrants and hundreds of thousands of illegal alien residents of this state, summarized from "citizen input" obtained at contrived public meetings. The town meeting-like assemblies were organized by 10 community-based organizations, each of which is affiliated with or supported by SEIU/ACORN, working in concert with the Governor appointed Advisory Council for Refugees and Immigrants (GACRI). The so-called public meetings, attended by 1200 Massachusetts residents (representative of only .0185% of the state's population), solicited by the organizing groups, were not well publicized to the citizenry at large, if at all.
Governor Deval Patrick is fervently promoting his "New Americans Agenda" absent the opinions of the vast majority of Massachusetts citizens who do not support funding, with their taxes, further entitlements for illegal aliens. He is clearly not only encouraging but supporting criminal intruders at great expense to the legal, taxpaying residents of our state. We object to being overlooked by our government in the process of polling public opinion on the subject of immigration, and oppose the "New Americans Agenda", specifically regarding the benefits and rights of citizenship it proposes be given to illegal aliens. With national unemployment hovering at 10% and families struggling to stay afloat in this economy, we must demand our elected officials put legitimate Americans first. The immigrant residents of Massachusetts (legal and illegal) are determinedly represented by multiple, vocal advocacy groups. Isn't it time the legal, taxpaying citizens of the state "Speak Up and Matter" by saying a resounding "NO!" to funding the "New Americans Agenda" with our taxes? Would you sign a petition, in opposition to the "New Americans Agenda", to be presented to the Governor and Legislators? Your comments on this critical issue are encouraged ..... please let us hear from you.
I'm saying "NO", that's for sure! I can't believe ANY taxpayer in this state would say "yes" to this nonsense. Like we don't pay enough taxes?? Now Devil Patrick plans to have us pay for not only the legal lowlifes living off the state but the ILLEGALS too? We can't let this "New Americans Agenda" EVER become law. If it does, we'll never get rid of it. Hey, Devil, what about a "Legal Americans Agenda"? It will be short so as not to strain your tiny brain ..... "stop taxing our legal citizens into the poor house." That about covers it! Where's the freaking petition .... I'll sign it!
TaxPoor222, I'm in full agreement. Sign me up! It wasn't so long ago that I was as big a bleeding heart liberal as you could imagine. In fact, I'm probably responsible for at least some of the fools taking up space on Beacon Hill. Then, I just plain bled out and I became a whole lot less concerned with this poor soul or that and a lot more concerned with my own family. The hacks running our government, with all their taxes and giveaways, have forced regular working people to choose between the have-nots and ourselves. I'm NOT onboard with paying for all the freebies we already pay for the LEGAL immigrants who just can't, or won't, get it together. I'm sure as he*ll not onboard with paying for freebies for the ILLEGAL aliens who are in this country and in this state ILLEGALLY. They are criminals!
You go Deece and Cougar! Nice blog, easy to navigate, lots of useful information, and a great opening post that I can really get behind! I'll pass the word and wish you (and all of us sick and tired, legal Massachusetts taxpayers!) success.
To the topic at hand, I couldn't agree more with the previous commenters. This state (and country, for that matter) is out of control. I don't blame the Democrats or the Republicans or anyone but us voters who gave these goofballs the controls of the runaway train we've become. You're right. We do have to speak up, hell, we have to SCREAM that we don't want what little wealth and power we have left to be redistributed to anyone (especially to the many illegal aliens who are nothing but criminals)! Enough is enough.
Interesting article in the 12/16/09 issue of The Milford Daily News by Marie Parente titled "The Licensed, Unlicensed and the Incensed". You should check it out at: If it doesn't make you want to sign the petition against all the rights and giveaways being handed to illegals I have to wonder if you're worth saving!
I'm a "Proud American" in large part because of my grandparents who came to the United States so many years ago. Their courage and determination to succeed at building a better life for themselves and their families is as much a defining part of my heritage as the foreign countries they came here from. It's for that reason, more than any other, the subject of illegal immigration is so maddening to me. Sure, it p@sses me off to be forced to support these leeches with my taxes. But the main thing that makes me so angry about them is the disgrace they dump on the memory of my grandparents and all the legal immigrants like them who worked hard to contribute to their new home with no help or handouts. There's a BIG difference between an immigrant and an intruder. One is legal and the other a criminal!
Welcome posters! I'm enthused to find comments from like-minded folks willing to speak up and matter! We're just getting started but hope to make a difference with everyone's help. To ProudAmerican500, I know exactly what you mean. I feel very much the same way when I compare what my own ancestors endured and achieved to become Americans, to the ILLEGAL aliens whose hand is perpetually palm up and are constantly throwing "you were ALL immigrants" in real Americans' faces. Many were at one time legal immigrants. And many still are. But I am not and never have been an immigrant nor a criminal which is what ILLEGAL aliens are. I'm sick of hearing this tired, annoying excuse for their
unacceptable behavior. Deval Patrick may fall for it but not me! The petition has only been online for a few days .... help us (all) gain some much needed momentum, PLEASE.
Deval Patrick's "New American Agenda" contains 131 proposals, many of which are designed to benefit illegal aliens. I believe the agenda is missing a few key items that would greatly benefit citizens and legal immigrants who are tired of Governor Patrick and President Obama redistributing our assets to illegal aliens who have no respect for this country or its citizens:
1) End birthright citizenship (H.R. 1868 introduced by Rep. Nathan Deal, amend section 301 of the Immigration and Nationality Act )
2) Overturn 1982 Supreme Court Ruling (Plyler vs. Doe) which mandates illegal aliens receive free K-12 public school education
3) Require all employers to use E-Verify
4) Implement the 287(g) program across all local police departments so illegal aliens can be identified and expelled
5) End all public services and benefits to illegal aliens
6) Stop the abuse of Emergency Rooms by illegals (EMTALA was never designed to give illegals free health care). The hospital's only obligation is to stabilize the patient in an emergency situation. They should not be treating non life threatening conditions.
7) Stop wasting our court’s time with ridiculous immigration hearings / appeals at the taxpayers expense. If you cannot furnish proof that you are here legally, you should be be on the first bus, boat or plane back to your own country.
From: The Federation for American Immigration Reform Website (Link available to the right of this page)
"Massachusetts Governor Pushes for Driver’s Licenses and Tuition Breaks for Illegal Aliens
Last week Governor Deval Patrick unveiled a state-commissioned report that recommends driver’s licenses and in-state tuition for illegal aliens in Massachusetts. (The Boston Globe, November 17, 2009). The 56-page report, known as the New Americans Agenda, includes 131 recommendations for integrating immigrants into economic and civic life in Massachusetts. (See New Americans Agenda). However, the Agenda is not limited to helping immigrants who cross our borders legally, but specifically advocates for measures that will benefit illegal aliens and undermine our immigration laws.
The Agenda was created by the Governor’s Advisory Council for Refugees and Immigrants, and makes no effort to distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants, who are seemingly all “New Americans.” (See New Americans Agenda). The 131 recommendations include providing more English classes for immigrants and training public school teachers to teach immigration lessons. Daily News Tribune, November 19, 2009). The Agenda also suggests expanding financial aid and in-state tuition at state colleges and universities to all immigrants, regardless of legal status. (See New Americans Agenda). As to the recommendation that illegal aliens should be allowed to obtain driver’s licenses, the authors acknowledge that the federal REAL ID Act is a barrier and advocate for efforts to repeal the statute. (The Boston Globe, November 17, 2009; New Americans Agenda). Despite the hurdle of repealing a federal law, the Agenda adamantly argues that licenses should be given to illegal aliens. There is no suggestion that existing immigration laws be enforced.
The Advisory Council’s proposals have already faced criticism from lawmakers and activists in Massachusetts. Senate Minority Leader Richard Tisei called the report outrageous, and Senator Scott Brown, who is running for U.S. Senate, responded that “Government should strictly enforce the law, not ignore it with a wink and a nod, or even worse, pass laws that condone illegal behavior.” (Boston Herald, November 18, 2009; Daily News Tribune, November 19, 2009). Other opponents to the proposals argue that illegal aliens should not receive the same benefits as legal residents, and many Massachusetts residents remain resistant to granting in-state tuition or driver’s licenses to undocumented residents. (The Boston Globe, November 15, 2009). Although a bill to provide lower tuition rates to illegal aliens failed in 2006, last week Governor Patrick publicly renewed his support for legislation extending in-state tuition rates to illegal aliens. This prompted the state Republican Party to issue a statement criticizing the administration’s position. (Boston Herald, November 17, 2009).
Clearly an advocacy document, the New Americans Agenda urges the state to push for comprehensive immigration reform at the federal level with suggestions more akin to finger-pointing than legislative proposals. The authors allege, “These anti-immigrant voices have created a poisonous atmosphere around the immigration debate and unfortunately have often overwhelmed legitimate public discussion on flow, status and the best way to incorporate newcomers.” (See New Americans Agenda).
Patrick called the report a “values statement” and has not specifically endorsed any of the recommendations. (O Journal, November 20, 2009). Instead, he has given his cabinet 90 days to draft a plan to improve the lives of all immigrants in Massachusetts, who will benefit whether they are lawfully present in this country or not. (The Boston Globe, November 17, 2009)."
We, in Massachusetts, MUST pay attention to this insidious report. Our state government is aiding and abetting the illegal aliens it will benefit. Before it evolves into legislation we'll never get rid of, say "NO!" by signing the petition.
I'm tired of illegal alien advocacy groups telling us it's unfair to "punish" the offspring of illegal aliens by not subsidizing their college education through the Dream Act / In State Tuition. Is it fair to punish Massachusetts tax payers by forcing us to fund a portion of college educations for illegals? Their parents are the ones who broke the law...not the tax payers. Let the Dream Act advocates set up a privately funded account for this. Those who wish to contribute can. Don't put the burden on US Citizen tax payers. Governor Deval Patrick needs to put MA citizens and legal residents first and not pander to the special interest pro-amnesty / illegal alien group who crafted the New American's Agenda with the primary objective of benefiting Hispanic illegal aliens at the taxpayers expense.
From USA Today 12/29/09:
"Cellphone GPS App Could Help Illegal Immigrants Cross Border"
"Three California professors say they are developing a cellphone tool that uses GPS technology to help illegal immigrants safely cross the border.
The Transborder Immigrant Tool would help migrants find water in the deserts near the border and otherwise avoid getting lost in their treacherous trek north.
The Associated Press says the phone would be programmed to show where water stations are located and how far away they are.
"It's about giving water to somebody who's dying in the desert of dehydration," said Micha Cardenas, 32, a UCSD lecturer.
Ricardo Dominguez, a visual arts professor, tells the North Country Times, that the cellphone technology would be similar to GPS systems in cars.
"It locates where you are in relation to where you want to go, what is the best way to get to that point and what you can expect when you reach the endpoint," he tells the newspaper.
The ACLU and Mexico's National Commission on Human rights estimate as many as 5,600 people have died trying to cross the border in the last 15 years, the paper says.
The Times quotes Peter Nunez, a former U.S. attorney in San Diego who now teaches immigration policy at the University of San Diego, as saying anyone distributing such devices could be committing a crime by helping people illegally cross the border.
Border Patrol spokesman Mark Endicott says the idea is "nothing new," the AP reports. "We've seen handheld GPS devices used by smugglers," he says. "We're just going to have to learn to adapt to any challenges."
This is exactly the kind of blatant defiance of our nation's laws that we have come to, and are coming even closer to in Massachusetts. Do-gooders need to stop this insanity and do good for our own citizens.
The bill Deece so kindly listed above (H.R. 1868 introduced by Rep. Nathan Deal, amend section 301 of the Immigration and Nationality Act) was introduced to allow the children of SLAVES to stay in the U.S. as citizens. They didn't really know what to do with all these kids, and after all, they'd been thru hell already. Deal did not forsee the corruption of the intent of his bill by future generations of selfish legislators. Using this legislation to protect criminals who sneak into America illegally is absurd. If someone breaks into your house, you have then arrested. You do not feed them, cloth them, educate them, and put their children thru school on your dime. What has happen to rational thinking?
Wow this is a great site. Lots of great information. I will be passing this on. Signed the petition. Hopefully, more of us fed up citizens of Massachusetts, or should I say Taxachusetts will speak up and matter. It is about time. We stand around the water cooler griping about these illegals, and thanks to you we now have a way to actually be heard and make a difference. I have no problem with the legal immigrants that came here to work hard like the rest of us to make a life for their families. I am sick of all these illegals coming in expecting everything to be handed to them on a silver platter. These liberal democrats should get a clue about what their constituents really want. Keep up the great work and thanks again for the great information and for getting this petition rolling. Best of Luck to you!
Welcome, Fredo! Always encouraged to see new posters .... whatever their perspective .... sharing their opinions on the subject that's obviously so critically important to both Deece and I, and to to all legal, taxpaying citizens of Massachusetts and America. I think you hit the nail right on the head. The bleeding hearts are expert guides for the guilt trip they'd have us take. But they don't have a clue about actual history, the ability to prioritize (i.e., Americans first), or the gumption to reject the false accusations that they're racist or prejudiced. Rational thinkers still exist. We just have to identify each other and be willing to stand together for what's right :) We hope you come back soon and often. Happy New Year!
Governor Patrick should be ashamed of himself for stacking the deck with PRO-Illegal Immigrant supporters for this "New Americans Agenda" and his "Citizen Input" had really NOTHING to do with real CITIZENS but aiders and abettors of Illegals.
We are supposed to be a Democratic Republic with input from the other CITIZENS namely those who are mad as hell with illegal immigration.
Our Town of Framingham even had State Rep Pam Richardson defending licenses for illegal's and tuition for illegal's UNTIL we exposed this through our cable show and told Michael Graham from WHTT Radio about it. That was enough to stop the insanity for a while. Now this foolishness is just as diabolical. You have to make noise and complain about this as much as you can. We do a cable show exposing all this and hope all you can stand up stopping this criminal activity.
Joe Rizoli
We need a zero tolerance policy toward illegal immigrants. This "New American Agenda" is on the COMPLETE other end of the spectrum. I mean...this guy can't be serious? This is pretty much SUPPORTING illegal immigrants and encouraging to come to MASS. You know damn well that the majority of these illegal immigrants would just take full advantage of it and not try to better themselves. Much like people on welfare in this state. It's very rare you find someone who is on welfare for a couple months and then gets off it. Most people act like they deserve it. This state is a joke and needs some serious changes.
Zero tolerance sounds like a good idea to me, Anonymous! We have zero tolerance for stupid crap like schools, these days, have a zero tolerance on "touching" to the extent that a six year old in Brockton was expelled for innocently touching a classmate's back while playing an innocent game in the schoolyard. Zero tolerance for being robbed blind by a totally corrupt state government seems like something any taxpayer would sign up for! Yes, this nonsense called the "New Americans Agenda" supports, encourages and INVITES illegals to Massachusetts. We need to spread the word .... tell everyone we know, anyone who will listen to us, to sign this petition. We need to SAVE OURSELVES!
There's an encouraging article in the Milford Daily News .... encouraging on two fronts! 1) Senator Scott Brown (R) filed a bill yesterday that should even further improve the chances of Massachusetts getting some real representation in Washington come the special election on January 19th. 2) The legislation would require the state Attorney General to receive and document proof of citizenship or right to work in the United States for wage enforcement cases.
Historically, the Attorney General’s office has adopted a policy of not asking about immigration status of employees when proceeding with a wage enforcement case against an employer.
Read the article in its entirety at:
This should give our mission of opposing the "New Americans Agenda" a boost! However unintentional, we'll take it :)
Please sign the petition if you haven't already, and spread the word to everyone you can. Every bit helps .... helps the mission AND the future security of yourself, your family, our state, our country, and all the legal American Citizens! Thanks :)
The reason I sign this petition.
I just don't understand how our wonderful elected officals fail to understand the meaning of illegal. They fail to do anything to help tax paying citizens but put forward these bills to help illegal aliens at our expense as the raise or taxes and cut benefits. I for one will take note who votes for these bills and will not vote for anyone that dose.
I hear you, Anonymous, and thanks for supporting the petition :) Sounds like you feel pretty much the same as I do .... enough is enough. We should have said that a long time ago, I think. I'm very annoyed with myself for letting things get so out of control before stepping up to at least try to do something about it. I was like so many people who complain to friends, or co-workers, or on one forum or another venting but not doing anything about it. It's human nature. There was also part of me that simply thought it is the way it is, and there isn't anything an ordinary person can do about it. I was wrong. There IS something A LOT of ordinary people who stand together against what's wrong CAN do .... and we're doing it! :) Because it's been nearly impossible to get ANY information from Beacon Hill about when the "New Americans Agenda" will hit the floor at the State House, the timing of the petition is vague. It is our plan to keep collecting as many signatures as possible (we're currently at 451 in just 3 weeks!), for as long as possible until it becomes time to present the petition to Gov. Patrick and our legislators. Please do your best to pass the word .... that will be very helpful :) We can matter .... you already have! - Cougar
I like many am fed up with the insidious infection of socialism in our State and our Federal Government. Remember we are a Government "Of The People, By The People, For The People" Quote from the Gettysburg Address.
The Preamble to the Constitution
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
(I too signed the petition)
I had two brief, self-imposed moments of guilt this afternoon. I thought it might be helpful to others if I shared them here because guilt over our position on illegal immigrants isn't something we talk about too often.
I received an invitation on Facebook to be "friends" with a man I don't know, or even know of. He has an Hispanic/Latino name, and two things immediately came to mind.
1) Because I very openly "publicize" this blog and the petition we are sponsoring, opposing the government funding of illegal aliens, I wondered for just a minute if this stranger intended to sabotage our efforts on behalf of the legal citizens of Massachusetts. I hesitated to accept his "friend" invitation. Primarily, because I felt guilty for my hesitation ..... in large part because we've been conditioned to feel guilty about any reluctance to be everything to everyone, and not because I actually do feel guilty (which I do not) ..... I logged onto Facebook again and accepted his invitation. He very graciously replied within a short time with a very cordial message acknowledging my acceptance and saying it was pleasant to make new friends.
2) Since I am who I am, I set about over thinking the experience and started considering whether or not I should send a private message to my new friend to explain what our mission is and why, and reassure him that we are not prejudiced against all foreigners ...... but are determined to rid our state of the illegal ones. I wanted to tell him that we do not intend to offend anyone, or wish anyone harm, and that no one who is a legal immigrant in the state should have any worries that the rest of us Americans don't have. And on and on to the point of apologizing for being alive.
So, I logged onto Facebook again (thank God it's still free! :) with every intention of sending this explanation/apology I had crafted in my head, and went to his profile page to find his email address. It wasn't fully available for viewing until I'd accepted his "friend" request. There I found and read, in detail, "Pedro's" (fictitious name to protect the innocent :) profile information which included that he's a Republican, has some of the same Facebook friends I've acquired during the past week, is a Scott Brown supporter, belongs to many conservative organizations that interest me, and appears to be, in fact, way more conservative than I am. What was I worried about? I didn't send the message that surely would have convinced him that he had made the mistake of asking and utter lunatic and fool to be his friend!
What is the moral of the story?? The Deval Patricks of Massachusetts, and Barack Obamas, Nancy Pelosis and Harry Reids of Washington, and everyone like them are the bad guys. We're the good guys. We have nothing to feel guilty about because we're making a peaceable effort to cleanse our state of the illegal aliens who are, by their mere presence, destroying our American culture, and social and economic structure. We can't allow the Moonbats, crunchy granolas and bleeding hearts to create doubt in our motives. We can't fall for their favorite weapon ..... emotional blackmail. And most importantly, remember that it's not only acceptable but responsible to take stock every once in a while, and keep check that we're on the right track. But not to the extent that we're packing our own bags to embark on an unnecessary guilt trip ...... surely there are more pleasant locations in which to vacation :)
Here are some common points of concern for legal Americans (including legal immigrants) from the "End Illegal Immigration" website:
"Problems With Illegal Immigration
While illegal alien and amnesty supporters state complaints from Americans about illegal immigration are some form of racism, there are many very real problems associated with illegal immigration.
We asked a focus group of citizen activists who are engaged in the struggle to have America's borders secured and existing immigration laws enforced to tell us the different reasons Americans are alarmed about illegal immigration.
Anchor Babies: Birthright Citizenship Exploited
Anti-American Attitudes
Anti-Semitic Attitudes
Attacks on Border Patrol and Law Enforcement agents
Attacks on Free Speech in America
Animal Abuse Increases
Census Numbers: Negative Impact on Congressional Representation
Civil rights: Devalued by comparison to illegal actions
Child Endangerment
Child Molestation
Closed and Overcrowded Hospitals and Emergency Rooms
Cost of Translators
Consulates issuing Matricular Cards (ID Mexico won't even accept)
Day Laborers loitering and creating public hazards
Depreciated Wages for Americans and Legal Immigrants
Deterioration of Common American Culture
Desecration of the American Flag: Foreign Flags used aggressively
Disrespect for American Laws
Document Fraud
Drunk driving injuries and deaths: Hit and Runs
Ethnic Cleansing and Race Riots
Farm animals with in city limits
Food Poisoning
Foreign Influence on US Politics
Gangs, Graffiti, Drugs, Cartels, Smugglers, and Violence
Gang Rape and unreported rapes
High Birth Rates and Overpopulation
Human Sex Slavery
Identity Theft
Increased Crime
Increased Taxes for Americans
Increased pressures on infrastructure (roads, traffic, water, sewer)
Infectious Diseases
Lost American Jobs
Lost American Sovereignty
Lost Self Governance of American citizens Vs. Globalism and Elitism
Male Chauvinism: Gender inequality
Not Speaking English, loss of common language, Press 1 for English
Overcrowded Schools and Negative Impact on American Education
Overcrowded single family homes
Overcrowded Jails and Prisons
Public Sanitation Loss: Trash and human waste in towns
Racist Groups and Race Based Politics
Remittances: Billions of dollars sent out of the US Economy
Rule of Law: Fundamental principles of America sacrificed.
Separatist Movements: Demands for autonomy
Smear Campaigns and Lies: Dirty Politics
Stolen American Taxpayer Resources: Tuition, Welfare, Licenses
Taking limited seats in colleges at taxpayer expense
Tax payer funds going to special interest groups (example) "LaRaza"
Terrorism Threats and Loss of national security
Trash and Negative Impact on Environment at border
Unfair to Legal Immigrants
Unfair Business Competition for law abiding companies
Unlicensed and Uninsured Motorists
Untaxed Wages
Voter Fraud"
Next time you find yourselves in the situation of defending your position to one moonbat or bleeding heart liberal or another, this list is a good start, isn't it?
Encouraging news from Capital Hill yesterday!
"Congressmen Voice Opposition to Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants
WASHINGTON -- A group of 22 congressmen called on Congress on Thursday to reject amnesty for illegal immigrants and enforce employment restrictions on non-citizens.
The Bipartisan Reform of Immigration through Defining Good Enforcement Resolution, HR 1026, or BRIDGE resolution, outlines the key principles of immigration reform, the lawmakers said.
Reps. Frank Kratovil, D-Md, Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah., Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., and Glenn Nye, D-Va., and 10 other Republican and eight other Democratic were co-sponsors in introducing the legislation.
"Marylanders, including immigrants who have come here legally to live and work in our state, are tired of the drain that illegal immigration has put on our economy," Kratovil said through his communications director. "This resolution reflects my belief that we should honor the contributions of those who have come here legally and continue to play by the rules while punishing those that knowingly break our laws."
The resolution calls for all employers to adopt E-Verify, a federally operated, Internet-based program that confirms the status of workers.
Ajmel Quereshi, director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland Immigrants Rights Project, said the ACLU has been opposed to the E-Verify system for years.
"There is a high rate of errors," Quereshi said. "Vast numbers relate to U.S. citizens, documented immigrants and people here lawfully allowed to work."
The Social Security Administration reviewed E-Verify, finding: "approximately 17.8 million of its files contain erroneous data, 12.7 million of which concern U.S. citizens," said Quereshi, who also brought these results before a Senate committee reviewing the program in March 2009.
The resolution also asked Congress to provide resources for adequate security and control along the U.S. borders and to reject amnesty or legal status of those breaking the law.
"Immigrants are welcome to our country, but through the front door not the back," said Chuck Floyd, one of the founders of Help Save Maryland, a grassroots organization opposed to illegal immigration. "I support our existing laws and the American workers."
I'm impressed that this is a bipartisan effort on behalf of all the LEGAL citizens of our nation for a change!
I do believe the Devil will start to change things... He knows we are angry...
Thanks to all of us who voted for Scott Brown!
Time for a cool change!
SManty, welcome! I certainly don't disagree that it's time for change .... long overdue, in fact! Deval Patrick has had more than three years to deliver on his campaign promises of "change we can believe in" or "together we can". Are you saying that you expect him to accomplish in the next 10 months what he's failed to do since taking office? The most recent "change" he's proposed is to hand over *more* of our tax dollars to fund *more* entitlements for, among others, ILLEGAL aliens swarming into our state with his encouragement. If you disagree with my assessment of Deval's non-performance, I'm more than happy to discuss. But IMO, he's going to do nothing in the next 10 months but cost the legal, taxpaying citizens of MA even more than he already has ..... and that's just not OK with me.
Link to the following relatively obsure Wicked Local Cambridge article for pretty much the only press you're going to find today on the "renewed push" by supporters of the "Immigrant Tuition Bill" .... if you don't find this disturbing, I'm afraid you're in the wrong place.
This thing is like a "bad penny" .... it just keeps turning up. The mainstream media hasn't said anything about it that I've seen despite rountine daily Google Alerts on several iterations of illegals, aliens, immigrants, etc.
This is exactly how these sneaks get this nonsense from BS to LAW without citizens even being aware until they're PAYING for it. It's DISGUSTING!!!
Thank God for posters here who are paying attention, and Howie Carr! The only reason I became aware of the resurgence of this insane entitlement bill (H 1175/S 603) is thanks to the post above by Anonymous. Then, I was listening to Howie's radio program yesterday, and noticed he revisited the issue in his Boston Herald column just after midnight this morning. Howie's article is especially enlightening, clearly naming the drunk inmate (Sen. Anthony Galluccio) and the tax and loan evader (Rep. Marie St. Fleur) as the liberal Dem's responsible for bringing this travesty back to life. I suspect these two hacks figured they had a shot at getting it passed on the back of Deval's "New Americans Agenda" after it was defeated under Mitt Romney's leadership in 2006.
There's a site deserving of your attention named "Clean Sweep Beacon Hill" located at and I recommend you visit and support their self-explanatory cause. In the meantime, our petition requires your immediate support. Thanks!
There have been so few news articles about the "New Americans Agenda" and the threat ILLEGAL aliens pose to the legal, taxpaying citizens of Massachusetts and our nation.
With November fast approaching, Deval Patrick is maintaining a low profile on the issues likely to anger the voters while quietly plotting and planning to continue cultivating the only votes he can rely on for re-election .... those of the ILLEGAL aliens bought with entitlements and rights of citizenship at the taxpayers' expense.
I fear that the citizens of Massachusetts have been lulled into a false sense of security because Patrick happens to be laying low at the moment for his own self-serving reasons.
But the illegal aliens issue has NOT magically vanished. One need only follow Secretary of State, Bill Galvin, across the Commonwealth frantically promoting the "importance" of counting ILLEGAL aliens in the 2010 federal census. This is no more than a thinly veiled effort to manufacture VOTES .... it's not about funds, and it's certainly not about funds that will benefit the legal citizens of our state.
However, probably unbeknownst to Bill, he's actually doing us a favor. The articles we've recently being inundated with on the subject of counting illegals in the census are providing us with an opportunity to get the word out about our petition. Use it to our advantage while we can! We can not only lead a horse to water but we can damned well make him drink .... with patient diligence.
We're counting on you!
THERE'S A ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT WORKING AT MY CHURCH AS WELL AS THE SCHOOL ADJACENT TO IT!The "man' works where our children are supposed to feel safe,how can we protect them if we dont know who he is?
Hi Michael,
How do you know the man is an illegal alien? Not everyone who is foreign-born or speaks with an accent is illegal. I suggest you approach your pastor and the school principal regarding your concerns. You may very well find that your fears are unfounded.
I am not minimizing your worries but do urge you to make every reasonable effort to substantiate them. We, at Speak Up and Matter, have a goal to rid our state of illegal aliens and the negative impact they pose to the citizens of the commonwealth; but we do not approve of an "angry villagers with pitchforks and blazing torches" mentality.
In the event your suspicions are valid, I would speak to your mayor, board of selectmen, or whatever local officials have authority in your town. You can also contact ICE or Homeland Security, both of which you can find links to in the "Illegal Immigration Links" section above on the right-hand side of the screen.
Hope this helps! - Coug
So, Senator Brown has acquiesced to take a "meeting" with a *single* representative of a demanding ILLEGAL alien student advocacy group, aka insolent bullies. Browns office justifies this betrayal of his legal, taxpaying constituents (who can't seem to get in touch with him, let alone schedule a face-to-face meeting) by pointing out that Kyle de Beausset is purportedly a "legal U.S. citizen" (whatever that means these days). I'll believe Kyle shows up for that meeting alone when I see it.
It all wreaks of yet another broken promise, made by yet another politician lacking the intestinal fortitude to keep the promises he made to convince the voters he was worthy of their trust to do the job he was hired to perform for the legal, taxpaying, voters of the Commonwealth ..... those to whom he owes his loyal support and representation.
As a long-time, ardent Scott Brown supporter, and contributor of money and a great deal of time working on his behalf, I'll say only this ..... you can be fired with the very same tenacity with which you were hired. There is *NO* excuse for *ANY* betrayal of the legal citizens of the Commonwealth in favor of ILLEGAL aliens. That's not a threat but a promise, and *I* keep my promises.
For those who wish to justify that Scott Brown hasn't taken any action in defiance of what the majority of his constituents want, I disagree. Simply agreeing to the illegals' demands to meet *IS* taking action. He's caved to the extreme pressure they've relentlessly applied, and given them the impression that being the most vocal, aggressive, unlawful group to block the entrance to his office, gets them what they want and absolves them of their unlawful status.
Given the disappointing turn Scott Brown has taken, it more important than ever that we advocate for ourselves by reading and signing the petition we're sponsoring at:
to oppose any further funding *at the legal, taxpayers' expense*, of Deval Patrick's "New Americans Agenda", and the additional 131 benefits, entitlements, and rights of citizenship it proposes be handed over to the 250,000 - 300,000 ILLEGALS living among us in Massachusetts. - Coug
good for you, cougar. i know you from another site.
i like much of what you say here. i cannot make a decision re the illegals & legals. i have the same problem with abortion issue. I can support either side. fyi, i am not a republican or conservative of any kind. this alien issue drives me nuts if i try to sort it out. i am not out to just plain say NO to anyone who risks his life to get here, but i know i cannot financially support anyone or anything else, be he legal or illegal. It'd be so easy to allow my human biases to influence me and thusly agree with you, but i have to consider "what IS america all about?" too. i guess i'm a crazy liberal. But i'm not ashamed of it at all. On abortion: well, we could sail forever on this one. I DO KNOW THIS: if any of the illegal/legal aliens affected by a new law were relatives or friends of mine, that'd greatly affect my viewpoint. I think we are ALL alike in that respect. good luck.
Carla Marchi beaded
Hi, Carla, and welcome :) I hope it doesn't come as too much of a surprise to you that I don't disagree with much of what you've said above. Personally, I don't understand how anyone with a modicum of intelligence can choose a side of any issue without being aware of the facts ... on *each* side.
Where we may part ways is that I do believe, after a great deal of research and discussion, the facts supporting a lawful, peaceable, opposition to the continued support of illegal aliens, at the taxpayers' expense, are very clear and reasonably uncomplicated. I found it helpful (as a child of the 60's and former "bleeding heart liberal", myself) to peel away the emotionalism of this sad story or that, and consider the *facts* ... they are very clear.
It's a rationale that can be applied to any issue I can think of ... including abortion. It's when we buy into the emotionalism, and the misleading buzz words commonly used to deliberately influence opinion (like immigrant which does not differentiate between legal immigrant and illegal alien; or pro-abortion vs. pro-choice ... those terms are not synonymous) that the waters get muddied.
On the subject of ILLEGAL aliens, Deval Patrick's "New Americans Agenda" and the 131 benefits and entitlements it proposes be given to, among others, ILLEGAL aliens ... *in addition* to all those the taxpayers already foot the bill for ... was the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back. Not to mention the rights of citizenship it so recklessly gives away to the ILLEGAL residents of our state, not unlike Obama's agenda on the national level. Both are a slap in the face to American citizens, including the legal immigrants who followed the rules.
I agree that we are all similar in some ways but *legal* is not one of them. Hope to see you here again, soon :) - Coug
Why are the legal citizens of America not defending their constitutional liberties with a similar vigor as the ILLEGAL invaders are in attempting to steal them from us? Arizona has not only been *abandoned* but is under exhaustive attack by our progressive, socialistic government. This should serve as a cautionary notice to all of us, in every state. The offensive positions of Arizona elected officials the likes of Luis Gutierrez and Raul Grijalva may not come as surprise to anyone since they've blurred the line beyond recognition between their American and Hispanic heritages. But the "social justice" fixated Obama has gone off the deep end with his position that no American should expect or accept. Acquiescing to the demands of insolent ILLEGALS, their many advocacy groups (who curiously seem to *all* be Hispanic), and troublemaking, publicity mongers the likes of Al Sharpton should be nothing less than frightening to Americans.
American citizens need to pay attention! To the politicians, this isn't about illegal Mexicans .... it's about votes. Gutierrez made that crystal clear in his comment to Obama calling for payback for the Hispanic community's support of the POTUS. It's all about cultivating votes. We need to take a lesson and not only be willing but *determined* to use the ONLY weapon at our disposal to protect ourselves from those who will trade our freedom for a vote.
If what's going on in Arizona isn't a wake-up call to the rest of us, maybe we're not sleeping ... maybe we're dead. - Coug
Kudos to our fellow concerned citizens who have made their voices heard ... over 1,200 to date ... by signing the petition opposing Deval Patrick's "New Americans Agenda". Please keep spreading the word to keep the momentum going!
For those who may have missed it, the Boston Globe recently published an interesting letter to the editor from one Seth Minkoff of Somerville, MA entitled, " ‘Illegal’ Immigrants Have Moral Claim on US Citizenship Rights". You can find it at:
I say "interesting" because, IMO, it's a perfect example of what's infuriatingly wrong with the progressive, socialistic perspective on the illegal alien tsunami we've witnessed in the news of late. It's not a new issue. But due to their very well-organized, very-well financed, very-well connected and very vocal "advocacy groups", ILLEGALS have been more headline news in the past several months than at any particular time in my recent memory. From the public release of Deval Patrick's "New Americans Agenda" here in Massachusetts, to the grand march on our nation's capitol in March, to the rash of ILLEGAL college students "coming out of the shadows", marching and rallying all over the country, to the courageous Gov. Brewer's actions to protect her citizens in Arizona and the insanity that ensued, to today's marches and rallies (again, all over the country) during which the immigrants (aka, ILLEGAL aliens) have once again commandeered the spotlight from the traditional May Day celebrations much to the delight of the severely left-leaning media in the U.S. The list seems disturbingly endless sometimes.
Although I had my say in response to Mr. Minkoff's lunacy upon it's publication, it wasn't *nearly* the retort offered by Jeffrey Miner from Belmont in his own, amazing letter to the editor in today's Boston Globe:
I very highly recommend you refer to Mr. Miner's concise, sensible summary any time you feel the need to justify what should be the obvious reason why Americans want and need to protect America to the Seth Minkoff's of our nation. - Coug
The more aggressive the POTUS becomes with respect to immigration reform and amnesty, the more confident Deval Patrick will grow that he can advance his "New Americans Agenda" from proposal to legislation. Obama, Patrick, and their ilk are determined to fundamentally transform America into to a place we won't even recognize; a place where all the ILLEGALS will owe the liberals who handed them citizenship on a silver platter ... at no cost to anyone but the American taxpayers ... MILLIONS of their votes.
There's a brief article in today's 'Washington Post" in which Obama is cautious but resolute regarding immigration reform. It's available online at:
Our government's promise to millions of illegal aliens is nothing more than a threat to the American citizens. How can this be acceptable?
On April 23, 2010, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed Senate Bill 1070 into law. S.B. 1070 was enacted as Laws 2010, Chapter 113.
House Bill 2162 made additional changes to Laws 2010, Chapter 113 and was signed by the Governor on April 30.
Below are direct links to the original bill and an engrossed version of SB1070 with the pertinent changes made by the Conference Engrossed HB2162. In the amended version, BLUE text indicates the original language of SB1070 and GREEN text denotes changes made by HB2162.
Original S.B. 1070 Bill:
Amended Arizona Immigration Bill:
I have been visiting various blogs for my term papers writing research. I have found your blog to be quite useful. Keep updating your blog with valuable information... Regards
Welcome "Term Papers" and thanks for your encouragement. We're pleased you were able to find pertinent information at Speak Up and Matter.
We're a concerned citizens' group of *two* people who have been working very hard to make this a site from which everyone who visits can take something meaningful in a peaceable, cooperative format, devoid of censorship.
We hope you visit us often to share your thoughts, ideas and suggestions. The goal is to assist each other, after all :) - Coug
The following is a 5/18 post I wrote and the Boston Herald chose to delete without explanation. It violates no posting guidelines, and the Herald doesn't usually take a liberal, censorship position so I don't understand it.
The Article in question can be found at:
My comment can now only be found here:
This is exactly what I expected to be the next step (and there will be more steps until ILLEGALS get what they demand unless they're stopped) when Senator Brown acquiesced to a meeting with Kyle de Beausset on behalf of the "Dream Act" advocates, aka ILLEGAL aliens who also happen to be college students at prestigious institutions of higher education, like Harvard University, the legal, hard-working, taxpaying citizens of Massachusetts, and America in general, can't afford to attend.
When *pushed* by Mr. de Beausset, a legal immigrant, not surprisingly by an organized protest and sit-in, blocking the entrance to Senator Brown's Boston office, I suppose Brown had no choice but to take the meeting. But when Scott Brown agreed to meet with Kyle de Beausset *only*, despite the fact that it was originally demanded that the senator meet with ILLEGAL students as well, who didn't know more demands were coming?
de Beausset is a radical, Guatemalan immigrant, activist with a goal having nothing whatsoever to do with America or Americans. His extensive affiliation with organizations including the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (Eva Millona's gig), the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, the National Council of La Raza, the National Immigration Forum, America's Voice, the Fair Immigration Reform Movement, the National Immigration Law Center, the Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform, and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund very clearly delineate where this man's loyalties are.
Visit his weblog, Citizen Orange, if you need more evidence of his pro-migrant intentions.
I only pray that if I can learn this much about Kyle de Beausset, Scott Brown is smart enough (and I'm very confident that he is, or I never would have worked for and voted for him) to protect his constituents from the demands of these insolent ILLEGALS .... students, crop pickers, cabdrivers, convenience store owners, restauranteurs, hotel workers, *whatever*, illegal is illegal.
Pending the next "protest", "march" or "sit-in" the legal citizens of Massachusetts can still speak up and matter by signing the petition opposing Deval Patrick's "New Americans Agenda" and the 131 additional benefits and entitlements it proposes be given to, among others, ILLEGAL aliens *at the taxpayers' expense* at:
The only way Americans will surely lose the battle to protect our state, nation, and culture is to not even try.
I am opposed to illegal immigrants. However, the flaw in your proposal happens when you refer to the following: 'The 45 page report contains 131 recommendations, all of which would benefit both the legal immigrants and hundreds of thousands of illegal alien residents of this state'... There is no justification, either from the government or from you, to combine legal and illegal immigrants as it relates to treatment under the law. Legal immigrants are legal. They pay taxes, obey the law, are productive members of society and as such deserve the same treatment as citizens, with the exception of the right to vote. Illegal immigrants have no rights, should receive no benefits and be deported. Their children who were born here should not be deemed citizens, and should be deported along with their parents.
To introduce any legislation that provides equally for illegal immigrants and legal immigrants is the same as treating criminals and law abiding citizens the same. This same oversight on your part makes it impossible for me to sign your petition.
Welcome "Anonymous" and thank you for your input.
I'm sorry that you take exception to the text of the petition to the extent that you feel unable to sign it, especially considering our general agreement on the subject of illegal aliens. I disagree, however, that the wording is "flawed" but suggest that your interpretation is an unfortunate departure from the intended, and I believe clearly stated, meaning of the text. Let me explain .....
The differentiation between "legal immigrant" and "illegal alien" has been a frequent, common *lie by omission* by the media, our politicians, and the Governor sponsored "New Americans Agenda". It's a manipulation of the truth by the advocates of illegal aliens from Deval Patrick to Eva Millona (MIRA). Other than in a few contextually inconsequential references, the "New Americans Agenda" does not mention "illegal" aliens. It deliberately blurs the line between "legal" and "illegal". The "lie by omission" is that the document doesn't *exclude* illegals among the intended recipients of the benefits and entitlements it proposes. Therefore, if it morphs from proposal to legislation that is allowed to become law, the "New Americans Agenda" is *wide open* to gift both "legal immigrants" and "illegal aliens" with the same benefits, at the taxpayers' expense. It's a deceitful, albeit clever, maneuver. I'm perplexed by your comment " ..... There is no justification, either from the government or from you, to combine legal and illegal immigrants as it relates to treatment under the law. ..... " We are *not* attempting to combine "legal immigrants" and "illegal aliens". We are in absolute agreement that legal and illegal are entirely different, opposite groups and we make no attempt to consolidate the two. The failure of our government and the "New Americans Agenda" to do the same is, in large part, our point.
Conversely, the Speak Up and Matter sponsored petition makes no attempt whatsoever to deceive it's readers as acutely evidenced by the quote you chose, "..... The 45 page report contains 131 recommendations, all of which would benefit both the legal immigrants and hundreds of thousands of illegal alien residents of this state". The wording is unambiguous. I fail to see the truth as a "flaw".
If I may, I'd like to suggest that you re-read the petition and compare the clarity of it's content with that of the "New Americans Agenda". Read between the lines of both, and I am confident you will find no exclusions with the potential for negative impact on our state's legal citizens in the petition. I hope you will reconsider adding your signature to the list of over 1,800 of your fellow Massachusetts citizens who oppose the continued funding, with their hard-earned tax dollars, of benefits and entitlements for ILLEGAL aliens. Your choice - this is America, and we'd simply like to keep it that way. - Coug
Coug, I commend you for keeping the populace apprised of what matters in this country.Keep up the great work that you do, Your slowly converting me.------1432
I'm very happy to see you here Anonymous ----- 1432! I'm slowly converting you? You mean like a relentlessly dripping faucet kind of slowly? :)
I posted on our favorite forum an answer your "where did you get the number 250,000 illegal aliens in Massachusetts?" question and thought it might make for a comment of of interest to others who visit us here on the Speak Up and Matter blog.
"Back in late November after Deval Patrick publicly released the "New Americans Agenda", and Speak Up and Matter was born for the sole purpose of opposing that document, and advising the general population of our state about what the agenda proposes (only 1200 people, all exclusively from minority communities, were consulted or involved in any way regarding it's intent), we spent every waking moment researching the subject of immigration, with a particular focus on *illegal* aliens. The research, BTW, hasn't ended to this day ... there's always something more to learn. We got the 250K number from FAIR, who gets their numbers from the PEW Hispanic Center (generally respected and considered reliable) and the U.S. Census Bureau. This link, specifically addressing Massachusetts statistics) from the FAIR website may be helpful:
Let's face it. *No one* knows the exact number of illegals in the state or in the country. We know there are a lot, but truth be told, it's everyone's best guess. That's why I'm always careful to use the words "estimated" and "reported", and generally quote a window when discussing numbers ..... 160 - 300K covers everyone's "best guess" currently (depending on who's doing the estimating). Additionally, the available information from *every* source is at least a few years old. They are *all* estimated. So are the current numbers, which are extrapolated from projections based on those outdated estimates, simply follow a standard business model. We can be all but absolutely certain that the numbers haven't decreased (pay particular attention to the first paragraph of the "Population Change" section of the link above). I'm just an ordinary concerned citizen, not an *expert* about much. But, although you'll come across many who are just blowing smoke up your a$$ on both sides of this subject, I'm not one of them. I hope this helps - Coug"
I logon every once and a while and I'm always surprised about how much more information there is then the last time I was here. Nice work! Amazing how the number of petition signatures have grown. I remember when we were hoping for 100 and now I can see 2,000 just around the bend. Wow! Keep it up and we really have a shot to matter in this state. I really was starting to think Massachusetts is a lost cause but I'm not thinking that so much any more. Thanks for that!
I think of you when I see a news spot on TV or a newspaper story about some gang of protesters but we have something they don't have - we're Americans. God bless America. We can't loose.
We need SB 1070 in Massachusetts and nationwide...We also need to fire ,remove, vote out of office, anyone who does not support enforcing our existing laws on "illegal presence, and the felonys of, aiding,abeting,harboring,assisting,concealing,employing, of any illegal alien ....period !! Non - Negotiable !!!!...
I'm sharing the following link to a feel-good article from the 6/11/2010 Worcester Telegram & Gazette ..... it's worth a look-see.
IMHO, I think the story by Telegram & Gazette staffer, Danielle M. Horn, will give you a glance at another aspect of our mission at Speak Up and Matter. Yes, what illegal aliens are costing the legal, taxpaying American citizens is deplorable, and the catalyst for our mission as concerned citizens. Costs not only in dollars and cents .... in the BILLIONS annually .... but also regarding ways in which the estimated 12-20 million illegal aliens currently residing in our country, 250,000 of them (160,000 - 300,000 depending on who's doing the estimating) living in Massachusetts, denigrate our culture, burden every part of our society, weaken our borders, threaten our national security, put our health at risk, *and make it more difficult for legal immigrants to become citizens*.
That's the heart of the article. 723 immigrants from all over the world whose hard work to become legal, contributing members of our society, *Americans*, was not impeded by the illegal invasion of our nation by those lacking any respect for, and devotion to America. My late Irish, Polish and Lebanese grandparents and Dad (all legal immigrants) were surely looking down from heaven with pride at this group, assembled in Worcester's Mechanics Hall during a naturalization ceremony much like the one they experienced. No one close to a legal immigrant, past or present, can help but be filled with patriotic pride when reading this story.
This is what makes us Americans. This is what gives U.S. citizenship value. This is why Americans are simply *not* willing to, and won't hand it over to anyone who demands it, whether they've earned it or not. American citizenship is too precious to betray our citizens by trading it for votes. Just ask those *real* "new Americans" who so proudly took their oath to these United States of America in Mechanics Hall last Friday! God bless, and help them make us stronger by standing with us on the side of right. This is why we're doing what we're doing. God Bless America!
No doubt, there are many who feel that those of us continuing to speak up for the legal, taxpaying citizens of Massachusetts and our country are wasting our time and effort after the battle Deval Patrick and his cronies inexplicably won on November 2nd. I couldn't disagree more! The only way to guarantee we lose the war is to stop fighting it and not speaking up for ourselves. Survival and honor are *never* a waste of time. The election results, though disheartening, should further cement our resolve to oppose the New Americans Agenda, the 130 taxpayer funded entitlements it proposes be given to ILLEGAL aliens, and the politicians pushing it. If we throw in the towel when things get tough we can't honestly tell our children and grandchildren that we did everything possible to protect and defend our country against the foreign invasion we're seeing now and the socialistic, progressive politicians who support it. I'm *NOT* going to tell my grandkids that!
We've been fighting the Illegal immigration problem since 2003. we had a cable show, actually two cable shows that talked a lot about Illegal immigration and other taboo subjects that our community censors decided they had enough off. See
So through workings of the ADL and a highly Jewish board of directors at our cable station, FPAC-TV in Framingham, a nice conspiracy took place and through a few lies here and there and our cable show was taken off the air.
We continue to fight illegal immigration on the internet through updates on the seriousness of the situation and are looking for ways to finally stop the flow of illegal immigrants to our town and others in MA and the nation.
We have some good ideas such as:
1. STOP the ADULT ESL classes in our town and revamp it making sure the people taking ESL are LEGAL residents of the USA. A great many ESL students in Framingham are BRAZILIAN and MOST of them are ILLEGAL.
2. Have the towns when they issue business licenses through their Selectmen of City councils, MAKE SURE the businesses that hire new help hire LEGAL people who comply with all Federal and State hiring practices.
3. Enforce perjury and document fraud laws on Immigrants with children in the School systems.
NO IMMIGRANTS should be getting privileges of free lunches or busing or any other programs for FREE when they are sending moneys back to their home countries and crying indigence. If they do then this is fraud.
These are a few topics that can be fought by us and win if we all get together to do it. as it is now nobody wants to fight the cause except a few.
We do continue as you can see here.
Joe Rizoli
Hello Cougar,
I just want to say that as the son of an illegal immigrant from Guatemala I 100% support your cause. Yes my family entered the country illegaly and yes they commited a crime BUT they never ever got any government help! I never saw my parents getting WIC or free health care or food stamps...They have always paid their taxes and live a decent life WITHOUT ANYONES TAX MONEY! My family consideres themselves true Americans. They learned english, recycle, pay for insurance and it makes us angry that all these other illegal immigrants steal our money and take advantage of this beautiful country. Like I said before they did commit a crime by coming here illegaly but not eveyone is like all those scumbags. They contribute to many charities and are working hard to become citizens. We need to stop giving so much money away so others can learn the right was to live here. Some of them do deserve a 2nd chnce
Governor Duval Patrick is doing a great job for Massachusetts. We must all support our Governor.
Dear Anonymous, It has always been the policy at Speak Up and Matter to encourage everyone’s opinions and the freedom to express them, and that hasn’t changed. However, I’ve never promised to agree with them, and obviously, I don’t agree with yours. Additionally, I question whether or not you’re a legal, taxpaying citizen of the Commonwealth since we’ve been repeatedly betrayed by Deval Patrick and his cohorts from 8 tax increases in his first term to his aggressive support of the +250,000 ILLEGAL aliens he’s invited into our state at the taxpayers’ expense and detriment. His performance couldn’t be further from
'great job' for his legal constituents. If you want to support the illegals, write a check. Don’t expect legal citizens to welcome corrupt politicians intent on writing that check against the account funded by actual taxpaying citizens! - Cougar
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